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93-97 Truck Van Manual by Chiltons (95_CltTk_9397)
$39.95 |
96-00 Import Chiltons Auto Shop Service Repair Manual for Import Cars. Professional Technicians Edition (98_9301)
$49.95 |
97-01 Import Chiltons Import Auto Service Manual. Profissional Technicians Edition. (992_Chilt_Imp)
$69.95 |
96-00 Truck & Van Shop Service Reapir Manual by Chiltons. For Domestic and Import Trucks, Vans & SUVs. Professional Technicians Edition (99_9302)
$34.95 |
Modifying & Tuning Holley Carburetors published by Hot Rod Magazine 112 page restoration manual with numerous photographs featuring sections on Tuning Tips Max Street Performance Power Valves & Boosters Jet Sizes Alky Fuels Drag Race Modifications & more (50_HolleyMod)
$74.95 |
Manual Transmissions & Transaxles Shop Manual by Erjavec 2nd Edition (94_ManTranSvc)
$26.95 |
A Technician's Guide to Automotive Emissions Systems Manual by Larry Carley (95_EmissSysTech)
$14.95 |
Automotive Engines Diagnosis Repair and Rebuilding by Tim Gilles (96_AutoEngDiagR)
$39.95 |
Automotive Engine Performance (Classroom Manual) by Don Knowles (96_EngnPerforma)
$12.95 |
86-99 Fuel Injection Manual Techbook by Haynes port injection TBI CIS Complete Fuel Injection trouble code charts Domestic & Import models Simplified troubleshooting (92_10220)
$16.95 |
ABS Brakes Manual covering theory, troubleshooting, & descriptions of most anti-lock braking systems including Bendix Bosch Delphi Kelsey-Hayes Nippondenso Toyota and others by Haynes (93_10411)
$29.95 |
Holley Carburetors and Manifolds; High Performance and stock replacement one, two and four barrel carbs and manifolds by M. Urich and B. Fisher (70_HP_1052)
$39.95 |
74-98 Tming Belt: Inspection, Replacement, & Tensioning for all Domestic & Imported Cars, Vans, & Lt. Trucks by Autodata (86_TimingBelts)
$29.95 |
93-2018 Brake Parts Bleeding Guide (93_BrakeGuide)
$35.95 |
Import Mitchell Collision Estimating Guide, European Aug. 97 (897_MitchCrsh)
$87.95 |
Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning Manual by Haynes (step-by-step procedures are provided for diagnosis, maintenance, and repair) (81_10425)
$34.95 |
Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning - A Manual to teach how they work, and why they work - by Tom Birch (95_AutoHeatAir)
$26.95 |
How to Rebuild and Modify Your Manual Transmission by R. Bowen both rear & front wheel drive cars How to determine what parts to replace or rebuild and how to do it How to find and measure specifications color photos 192 pages (80_138665AP)
$25.95 |
How to Tune & Modify Carburetor Performance by F. Aird & M. Elston published by Motorbooks 160 pages (48_MB125183)
$75.95 |
Basic Auto Repair Manual #3 by Petersen (55_BascAutoRep3)
$10.95 |
Brakes by John Remling Brake Maintenance and Service (70_Brakes_by_JR)
$14.95 |
Chilton's Guide To Diesel Cars & Truck (introduction to the Diesel, The Diesel Engine, Diesel Fuel, Owner Maintenance, Driving a Diesel & more) (50_DieslChiltCT - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
Basic Clutches & Transmissions by Petersen's #3 (40_Pet3CletchTr)
$8.95 |
Automotive Service Basics by John Remling (45_ServBasics)
$29.95 |
Automatic Transmissions Information Manual by Commercial Trades Institute (50_AutomaticTra)
$5.95 |
Automotive Suspension and Steering a Text-Lab Manual by S. Abbott & I. Hinerman (50_AutoSuspensn)
$14.95 |
Basic Automotive Tools & How To Use Them Manual by Petersen's (50_BasicAutoToo)
$9.95 |
Basic Cams, Valves & Exhaust Systems by Petersen's#2 covers Plymouth, Chevy, Ford, and more.. (50_BscCamValve2)
$8.95 |
Basic Cams, Valves & Exhaust Systems by Petersen's #3 covers Chevy, Ford, Plymouth and more... (50_BscCamValve3)
$8.95 |
Basic Carburetion & Fuel Systems by Petersen's by #2 (50_BscCarbFuel2)
$29.95 |
Basic Carburetion & Fuel Systems by Petersen's by #3 (50_BscCarbFuel3)
$29.95 |
Basic Automotive Measuring Tools & How To Use Them Manual by Petersen's (50_BscMeasTools)
$7.95 |
Basic Auto Repair Manual by Petersen's #6 includes New Tune-Up specs and Car Guides for '74 (55_BascAutoRep6)
$12.95 |
Complete book of Engines by The Editors of HOT ROD magazine All latest Engines including Volks, Chrysler, Chevy, Ford, Buick, Plymouth, Javelin and More.. (55_CompEngnsEdi)
$19.95 |
Automotive Emission Control a simple Do-It-Yourself approach to automotive emission controls. by Haynes (70_10210)
$29.95 |
Basic Chassis, Suspension & Brakes by Petersen's #2 (70_Pet2ChasSus)
$8.95 |
Basic Clutches & Transmissions by Petersen's #2 (70_Pet2ClutchTr)
$8.95 |
Basic Ignition & Electrical Systems by Petersen's (70_Pet2IgniElec)
$7.95 |
Basic Ignition & Electrical Systems by Petersen's No. 4 (75_Pet4IgniElec)
$7.95 |
Street Rod Building Skills, by John Thawley; 64 pg. guide to home crafted cars (80_StreedtRodBu)
$5.95 |
Automotive Reference Manual & Illustrated Automotive Dictionary (how to decode VIN's, useful automotive math, and tool and fastener guides) by Haynes (51_10430)
$34.95 |
The Scientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Systems by Phillip H. Smith and John C. Morrison. (51_ExhaustIntak)
$39.95 |
Automotive Engine Rebuilding by James G. Hughes (about 1 1/2' thick) (52_AutoEngRebld)
$19.95 |
Internal Combustion Engines Applied Thermosciences by Colin R. Ferguson (56_InternCombus)
$29.95 |
Suspension, Steering and Driveline Manual by Haynes covers troubleshooting, maintnance and repair procedures for most foreign and domestic suspension, steering and driveline systems (70_10345)
$34.95 |
Automotive Brake Manual by Haynes over 500 illust. (70_10410)
$20.95 |
Automotive Detailing Manual by Haynes (covers cleaning, waxing & repair of minor damage to the body, interior, engine compartment and wheels. Full color with over 350 photographs (70_10415)
$34.95 |
Automotive Electrical Manual by Haynes (covers basic electrical fundamentals, troubleshooting and repair for both Domestic & Import vehicles 242 pages (70_10420)
$34.95 |
Used Car Buying Guide by Haynes (covers all phases of buying a used car: How to pick the right car, how to test drive a car, and how to perform a thorough inspection of the car) (70_10440)
$29.95 |
Welding Manual by Haynes (covers gas, arc, MIG, & TIG welding. Techniques are discussed as they relate to automotive & workshop repairs) (70_10445)
$34.95 |